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Our honorees wrote about the character traits they've had to demonstrate most or relied on most during the pandemic.
Scroll down to enjoy these original, unedited essays from each of the students.
Describe a time when you felt extremely proud of yourself. And why?
I sometimes have the tendency to doubt myself, but a time that I can recall being very proud is when I made the cheer team in first grade. I was super excited. I knew how to keep up and I learned the cheers very quickly. Ever since, cheerleading has been one of my favorite things to do. My family was just as proud of me as I was, and that made me happy. I knew I was following my older cousin’s footsteps. She was a great cheerleader and I admired her for that.
Making the cheer squad gave a boost of confidence to try other things. My two best friends and I decided to try out for the school’s volleyball team, and we all made it. We were extremely proud of each other.
My main supporter is my mom. When I first told her I made the team she was very proud of me. I was super nervous about our first game and very sad about our last. Being a part of a team gave me great joy like with cheerleading. My friends and I had lots of fun on and off the court. There were plenty of laughs and joking around without confusion because we created a strong bond. Our volleyball team might not have won all our games, but we did win a few. For me it was just being a part of something great!
Believing in myself and stepping out of my norm pushed me to try out for both teams. Will I try out for the volleyball and/or cheer teams again? Yes. Overall, I was proud of myself for just trying. These were two of the best things I’ve done.
You find a wallet with money in it. What would you do? Why?
In life, you are judged by your character. Your character defines who you are as a person. Character traits are descriptive words used to describe a person’s actions, attitude, as well as how they treat others. While some people only focus on the negative character traits of others, I take pride in displaying positive character traits like honesty, kindness, leadership, and trustworthiness.
Honesty and trustworthiness are character traits that go hand in hand. Honesty is described as being truthful. Trustworthiness is defined as displaying the ability to be trusted. It demonstrates having good character when someone is both honest and trustworthy.
If I were to find a wallet with money in it, my conscience would not let me keep it. I would find a way to return it. I would return it because I have a past personal experience with losing my wallet. A few years ago, on my birthday, while shopping in Walmart with my mom, I lost my wallet with all my birthday money in it. Losing my wallet really saddened me, but fortunately, we returned to Walmart the next day to not only find my wallet but to find it with all of my money still inside.
I would do just as the person did who returned my wallet. Not only does returning a wallet with all the money still inside shows good character, it also shows that there are still good people in this world. My character is something I take pride in. When it comes to character, even the smallest things can make a great impact.
If you could choose on character trait to excel in, which trait would you choose and why?
A good quote states that, “Talent and ability can get you to the top, but only character can keep you there.” Character is very important, and some say it determines how far you will go in life. The character traits I would like to excel in are being kind, honest, and responsible.
Being kind is peaceful. Kindness allows us to maintain peace and harmony with others. In addition, it feels good to be kind. I enjoy it because when you are kind you get to see the smile on other people’s faces. I like to see people smile, and I take pleasure in being kind in general. Kindness goes a long way in making everything better. If you are not kind, people will shy away or avoid you; this will lead to loneliness.
Honesty is a great trait. Although it is important, most people fail at this trait. They fail even though they know how important honesty is. The reason for this is sometimes being honest can be difficult and hurtful. It’s tough and hurts because there are times when you must tell the truth to those who you love, knowing it may hurt their feelings. While it is easier to spare someone’s feelings from being hurt, it is always better to be honest. I'm trying to improve at this aspect of honesty.
Responsibility is important because it also makes you trustworthy. If you are not responsible, some people may find it difficult to trust you. It is very hard to trust an irresponsible person because you don’t know if they could break or lose what you have trusted them with. I want to be considered as a person who is responsible and can be trusted.
In conclusion, I am convinced these traits are very important. As I continue to grow, I believe it is important to pursue these qualities. It is my wish that I excel at being kind, honest, and responsible.
You find a wallet with money in it. What would you do? Why?
Honesty is one of the most important character traits to possess. You can display honesty in your day-to-day life, in so many ways. Honesty is telling the truth and being thoughtful when doing so. People, like myself, who are honest, are trusted by their families, friends, peers, and other people in their community. Possessing this trait attracts others to you.
One example that I would like to share with you is, If I were to find a wallet with money in it. If I were to find a wallet that contained money inside of it, I would take it to an adult. A teacher, my parents, or whatever adult I may be in the presence of at the time of finding the wallet. I would ask the adult to contact law enforcement to turn the wallet in to them.
Although I am only ten years old, I still know that being honest is the best character trait that I possess. I know that being honest at home, at school, and in my community, is necessary for me to be a good citizen not only now, but as I continue to grow in life.
In conclusion, honesty is not just a character trait, it’s a way of life. A way of life that I will continue, for the rest of my life.
You find a wallet with money in it. What would you do? Why?
If you found someone’s wallet what would you do? What I would do is find the person who lost their wallet and give it back. Some people would steal your money! You shouldn’t do that because people work hard for the money that is earned.
The first reason is that people need their money. They need to pay for food, house bills, car payments, cell phone bills, and more. How would you feel if someone stole your wallet? There is a saying, “ Treat others as you would want to be treated.” If you follow that rule, then you would understand why it is important not to steal other’s wallets.
Stealing people’s wallet is not good. If you get caught stealing you will go to jail, and jail is not fun at ALL. If you were planning to steal the wallet, think about the consequences that would happen. Even when you think you’re getting away with stealing, you cannot. If that person finds out who stole his or her wallet, then they might call 911 and report you for stealing their wallet.
That is why I think you wouldn’t be a good person if you stole someone’s wallet, so it’s best to just return their wallet if you found it.
Write about your favorite “superhero” and the character trait you admire in them. Explain why this trait is important to you.
My favorite superhero is the one and only Spiderman. I chose Spiderman because of who he is and for all of the things he has done. A few character traits that I like about Spiderman is that he’s intelligent, adventurous, brave, loyal and a really good fighter. Spiderman is very intelligent when it comes down to fighting bad guys. He doesn’t think like the bad guys, he thinks smarter and wiser. He approaches each bad guy in a unique way. In order to defeat his enemies, he comes up with plans that are specific to each bad guy.
Spiderman is my favorite superhero because he is brave. What makes Spiderman so great is that he does not run away from taking down bad guys. When he sees the bad guys, he doesn’t mind fighting in order to save other people. Spiderman doesn’t always know the outcome of the battle when fighting the bad guys, but that doesn’t stop him from helping those around him. I think the Amazing Spiderman is also very adventurous not only when fighting but when he’s exploring what’s going on around him. He swings about the city learning and growing as a person and as a superhero. He’s a fighter who stands up for people who need him. Las but not least, Spiderman is loyal. He makes sure to help everyone no matter who they are, no matter what. Spiderman even tries to get the bad guys to turn good. That’s why Spiderman is my favorite superhero.
Describe a time when you felt extremely proud of yourself. And why?
I attended a summer camp at Dover Elementary, over the summer. I did not want to go to the camp at first, but my mom made me go. I wanted to spend my summer talking on the phone, being on social media and just lounging around the house. At the summer camp, students had to do a lot of math and science work. We had to work in teams, to build things out of Legos. Some of the things my group members and I made were robots, dogs and other animals. Building things with Legos was sometimes challenging, however, I learned how to communicate with my other teammates and how to be a team player during the summer camp. I really started to enjoy being at the summer camp after a week of going there.
My teacher selected me to teach math problems to the class and this made other students begin to like me. Teaching the other kids also helped me with my math skills and helped me to become a leader in the class. I really enjoyed being able to help other students with math. Students at camp also were given free time to do activities of their choice. The teacher would be taking pictures of students doing different activities. One day my teacher showed me a book, and my picture was on the cover. This made me very happy and proud of myself. The principal and assistant principal also had a copy of the book when I returned to my regular school. Although, I did not want to go to summer camp, it really turned out to be a great experience for me. I learned that I am smart, that I am good at helping people. I learned leadership skills and I made new friends. My mom was also proud of me for completing summer camp and learning new skills. I accomplished many things while going to summer camp and this was a time that I was extremely proud of myself.
Describe a time when you felt extremely proud of yourself. And why?
One morning I was getting ready for something I would never forget. A day that taught me the importance of determination, hard work, and self-confidence.
This day was so important to me. It was the day of the Raylrode Daze Pageant. I was so nervous. When it was finally my turn, my palms became sweaty, and my feet felt stuck to the stage. I did not think I could take one step forward. As I looked into the crowd and saw my family, people who love and care for me, I smiled and overcame my fear. My body began to move. In that moment I was determined to keep moving because I knew I had people who cared for and believed in me. I wanted to make them proud.
This day taught me to believe in myself even when it seems hard. Through hard work and determination, I was able to achieve my goal of participating in the Raylrode Daze Pageant. Even though I did not win, I still feel like a winner because it was something out of my comfort zone and I was able to overcome the fear and nervousness that was controlling me.
In conclusion, this experience has taught me that determination, hard work and self-confidence can help me accomplish my goals. Now I want to help people who struggle with self-confidence by believing in them when nobody else does. My goal is to make people smile and overcome their fears through encouragement and positivity.
If you could choose a character trait to excel in, which trait would you choose and why?
If I could choose a character trait to excel in, I would choose the character trait responsibility. Responsibility means the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. I chose this character trait because my mom, teachers, and any adult I come in contact with requires me to be responsible at all times. This includes taking care of my little brother when my mom ask me to. I can honestly say that sometimes I fail at doing that properly, so I feel as if this character trait can be a perfect target for me to work towards excelling in.
I am responsible in multiple other ways at home like assisting my mom with dinner, cleaning up after dinner behind my brother and I, doing laundry, and cleaning our rooms. At school, I am responsible for staying on task in class, being a class leader for my classmates, and ensuring that I turn my work and homework in on time. I am also responsible for maintaining the principal’s list at my school. One major responsibility I hold is being the President of the My Sister’s Keeper Program here at Marshall Elementary. Within this program, I am responsible for 29 other members by leading and guiding them in all activities our advisors have for us to do such as attendance, snack distribution, etiquette, self-esteem, team building, and confidence lessons.
Responsibility is a character trait that I am good at but will always continue to work towards excelling in.
Write about your favorite “superhero” and the character trait you admire in them.
The character trait that means the most to me is respect. Respect is defined as a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something.
As a young child, my parents and teachers taught me the golden rule: to treat people how I would like to be treated. This statement simply means to be a nice person to everyone I encounter. For example, when I walk into my school building, I make sure I greet or speak to others in a kind and respectful way. Likewise, when I notice that someone is having a bad day, I try my best to put a smile on their face by doing a random act of kindness.
I also show respect at home. For example, I do my daily chores at home to show my parents I respect our home. I also show respect towards my little sister and brother by volunteering to help them with their homework and other responsibilities around the house.
By showing and practicing respect towards myself and others has allowed me to have better relationships with my classmates and family. It also encourages other students around me to show respect as well.
In closing, we all know what it means to be disrespected, so I choose to exhibit the character trait of respect in my home school and community, and I want to encourage you to continue to do the same.
You're helping a younger student learn about character and being a good person.
What kind of tips and advice would you share with them to help them become a better person?
As a young person, character represents a virtue that you should treasure and build upon for the rest of your life. These are the tips that I would give someone younger than me.
Character takes time to build. People do not possess character immediately. You must give yourself years to develop it because it is an individual part of who you are. It is important not to rush the process. Your character will emerge at the right time. When you build your character, make sure that you know that it is a diverse idea. A person’s character does not look like another’s character. People come from different backgrounds, yet positive traits that they show others will be inspirational even if they are different. Make sure that you be who you are in a positive way, and you will build good character seen by others. Character is seen by others as a positive addition to how you carry yourself. When they see a young person who makes good choices, then others see a good, positive role model for others to follow. Having character makes others view you as being more mature and responsible.
In summary, a young person should focus on character as an especially important part of their personality. From the beginning, you must know that each person has his or her own character. Be who you are, and the positives will come out. These are the important tips that I would share with someone younger than me about character.
If you could choose a character trait to excel in, which trait would you choose and why?
If I could excel at any character trait, it would be trustworthiness. I chose trustworthy because I want people to know I will always be there to help and guide them. Being trustworthy is very important, you want people to trust you and believe that you can help change or make that person the best they can be. There are many people that can be trustworthy such as; principals, guidance counselors, teachers, parents, peers, and people younger than I am. If you trust a person, it makes them feel that they can trust you as well. Being trusted by many is good because that says that means that you are a trusted person and people will believe or think that you can bring goodness to their life, and that you will be able to help them. There are ways to be trustworthy to others, helping them with work, doing what they ask you to do, being nice to them, tell them things that will help them.
Being trustworthy is a good trait to have so when people are in doubt they will most likely come to you when they need help or assistance. The meaning of trustworthy is different for all different people wherever you go. Trustworthy can mean people being able to count on you one person might say and another might say it is when people can trust you and both answers are correct. It just means something different to someone else. I believe that trustworthiness would be a good trait for me because many people such as my parents, teachers, principal, and guidance counselor trust, believe, and know I will do good.
You’re helping a younger student learn about character and being a good person. What kind of advice would you share with them to help them become a better person?
If I would give a younger person advice on becoming a better person, I would tell them to be respectful, be a good listener, and be helpful. I chose characteristics that work for me. I like to give advice based on facts and not something that I think will work.
Being respectful shows people how you would want them to treat you. Being respectful helps you gain trust from others. I was taught that being respectful help you build safety and wellbeing. When someone trusts you and feel safe around you, they will respect you as well. Respect can come naturally or it can be learned.
Being a good listener helps you understand people better. When you listen, you become closely connected with people. Listening helps you avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding. Your understanding of others will be on a deeper level when you listen to them. This is a good character to have when getting to know someone.
Being helpful helps get rid of stress. Helping others also benefit our own mental health. When you help yourself it creates a sense of purpose. By helping others, you are also showing empathy and compassion.
In conclusion, I would advise all young people and adults to be respectful, a good listener and be helpful as these are great characteristics, we can all use to make this world a better place.
Describe a time when you felt extremely proud of yourself. And why?
A time when I felt extremely proud of myself is when I made the Principal’s List at school. My Mom and Dad helped me achieve this accomplishment by making sure that I did what needed to be done. If my parents are not hard on me, when they need to be, I would not be where I am right now. So I say, thank you Mom and Dad. My teachers also play a big part in my successes. They make sure that I understand and if I don’t, that I tell them I don’t understand. Knowing that my parents and teachers are proud of me, makes me proud of myself as well. My parents always share with other family members and friends their proudness on my behalf.
I am also proud of myself for performing in my classes in the way that I do.
The hardest subject for me is Reading. It is sometimes difficult to catch on to the concepts being taught but I do not let that stop me from trying my absolute hardest in that subject. I do not give up just because the work is a bit difficult. Giving up is not an option if I am to reach my goals in life. The easiest subject for me is Math. I am able to catch on to most math concepts in a day and most of the math tests that we take, I make 100. I also made the highest score in my homeroom class so far this year on the iReady Math Assessment.
My plan is to continue to do my absolute best in every school subject so that I can get closer and closer to meeting my goals and achieving the successes that I have planned for myself.
You find a wallet with money in it. What would you do? Why?
I would give the wallet back. I believe that you should treat people the way you want to be treated. Wouldn't you want your wallet back?
First, I would find the ID and then try to find that person. If I couldn't find the person, I would take the wallet to lost and found if there is one nearby. If not, I would take the wallet to the police. The reason I would do these things is because kindness is the right way to go. Not only is it the kind thing to do it's the legal thing to do. You should always be kind to others because you never know what they have been through. I also believe that what you do shines back on you. When you use kindness, honesty, and love; you will always show great character successfully.
For example, if you found a wallet on the floor and kept it and someone was watching, they would assume you don't have great character. You should think before you act. Character is about doing the right thing even when nobody's watching. When you use the tools such as honesty, love and kindness you will have great character and with great character you will be successful in life. If I found a wallet on the ground, I would not keep it because I believe in using my character tools, which means being kind and honest.
If you could give a younger student advice about good character, what would you say?
If I was giving character advice to a younger student, I would tell them three main things. I would tell them about respect, kindness, and truthfulness. Good character can help you a lot, and id very useful overall.
First, you should be respectful to others. Even though its hard, respect is a required skill. You should show respect to everyone, this includes your peers, teachers, family, and pets. Respect doesn’t mean serve them like a king. It can be as small as letting them speak without interruption.
Second, being truthful is always right. Lying will get you in trouble because the truth will come to the surface (as always). If you broke something and blamed it on your siblings, they would tell on you. Then, you get in trouble for lying. That’s why you should tell the truth.
Third, you should always be kind. Showing kindness is difficult, but rewarding. If you help someone, you can make an ally. If you share or give, you could make a friend. Doing these things, could, in turn, make you feel better.
Altogether, this is the advice I would give to a younger student about character. Respect, truthfulness, and kindness are very important character traits. Truth will win, kindness will benefit you, and respect is a skill. Overall, good character traits are very useful, and can help you a lot.
Orangeburg County Community of Character
Orangeburg County Community of Character | (803) 534-6821 | P.O. Box 593 | Orangeburg, SC 29116
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